Lace Wig Options
If this is your first time ordering a hair
replacement lace wig then you may not be familiar with all of the options available
for customization of your wig. So, here we will break these options
down for you so that you will be able to make an informed choice in
choosing the options that you want for your wig.


Light Brown

Medium Brown

Dark Brown
Best for white,
off white or cream scalp tones.
Ex.: Liv Tyler, Gwen
Stefani, Jennifer Lopez
Best for light
beige to very light tan/brown scalp tones.
Ex.: Beyonce, Salma
Hayek, Rihanna, Alecia Keys
For light
brown to medium brown scalp tones.
Ex.: Gabrielle Union,
Kerry Washington, Vivica Fox
Best for those
who have the darkest of scalp tones.
Ex.: Kelly Rowland, Naomi
Campbell, Serena Williams
Wig Cap Type
- Wig cap type refers to the base design of your hair
replacement unit. We offer several different wig cap
designs. Click Here to view
and get more info on our wig cap type options.
Baby Hairs -
Makes the wig even more natural looking and is available
in straight, wavy and curly textures.
More Info on Baby Hair
Bleached Knots
- When hair is tied to the lace, there is a dark knot
where the hair is secured. Bleached knots is a technique
where you bleach the knot to make it lighter so that it
is less obvious. Too much bleaching can compromise
the hair quality so we only recommend bleaching the
first 2 inches of the hairline.
Lace Type - We
only use 100% Real Authentic French or Swiss lace.
Lace Color - This is the color of
the lace used in your wig cap base design. It is
important that you choose the right lace color so that
it blends into your skin as this is important to give
off the natural hairline appearance.
Hair Color -
When you order a custom wig you can choose the hair
color of the wig.
Click here to view our Hair Color Chart
Highlights - For custom
wigs you can select up to 2 highlight hair
colors in addition to your primary hair color.
Highlights can be streaked or evenly blended
throughout the wig. If you opt to blend the
highlights with the primary color this will
change the overall color/look of the wig.
Hair Length: You can select hair
lengths from 6" inches to 32" inches. We offer 2 hair
length style options: "Standard Layered" and "All Hair
Same Length."
Layered - The hair length is measured from the
crown to the tip of the hair.
What this means is that the hair will not all be the
same length but will have 3 staggered or layered
lengths. For example...if you request a 18-inch wig, 30%
will be 14 inches (front of wig), 30% will be 16 inches
(half crown and sides), and 40% will be 18 inches (back
crown and bottom of wig). Culminating in a finished
length of 18 inches. Other lengths are measured like
this too, in 2-inch increments. The layered style is the
most natural looking as it mimics the natural growth
pattern of human hair.
All Hair Same Length - Choose this
option if you want all of the hair to be the same
length. For example, if you request an 18" wig then each
strand will be 18 inches under this option. Selecting
this option will also result in a finished length that
is longer than 18 inches. There is an additional
charge for this option.
Hairline - Choose from either a Standard
hairline or a Widow's Peak/M-Style hairline.
Standard Hairline

M-Shaped/Widows Peak

Hair Density
- Hair density refers to how many hairs
are added to your hair system base. The higher
the density the thicker the wig will be and less
scalp will show. In the past, high density was
necessary because the base materials were
usually made of thicker materials and would be
easily exposed if the hair density was low.
Today, with the advancement of thinner base
materials such as lace and thin skin, low
density tends to look more natural, especially
with the see through look along the hairlines.
If you want to keep a natural appearance we
recommend densities 80% - 100%.

Extra Light Density -
50% thickness of an average head of hair
Light Density - 80%
thickness of an average head of hair
Medium Density - 100%
thickness of an average head of hair
Medium Thick Density -
130% thickness of an average head of hair
Medium to Heavy Density
- 150% thickness of an average head of hair
Heavy Density - 180%
thickness of an average head of hair