Lace Wigs Are A Great Solution While You Re-grow Your Own Hair Naturally

If you suffer from hair loss, lace wigs are a great solution while you attempt to re-grow your own hair. Many hair loss suffers have had great success in re-growing their own hair. But if you really want to know how to re-grow your own hair naturally then you must first find out the main source of the problem. Because unless you do, all you will be doing is going around in circles but not really getting anywhere. In fact you might end up doing just more harm than good.

Hair Loss

There are many factors that can attribute to hair recession or massive hair loss and you need to find out which one exactly is responsible for the problem you are having now. Of course male pattern baldness is still the most common cause, but what if you are a woman? This is the reason why you will need to really dig down and see the source of your problem.

Causes of hair loss may include: severe mental or emotional stress, excessive use of coloring or bleaching agents, traction alopecia or excessive strain on the scalp due to braiding or corn rowing, hormonal changes, alopecia areata or hair loss due to autoimmune diseases, and many more. Each of these conditions will require a different approach in order to achieve success regardless of whether you’re going to be using conventional or natural methods.

Natural is Better

The reason why it’s much better to use natural methods as opposed to conventional ones is simple – they’re cheaper, have little to no side effects, and are often times more effective. If you’ve been dealing with the problem long enough you’ve probably tried products like, Minoxidil, laser therapy, PUVA or Psoralen Ultra-Violet Radiation, or even Propecia – most, if not all of which, has certain uncomfortable side effects or requires you to continually set time aside for treatment sessions that can also be painful and expensive.

You may consider dietary changes as well. Changing your diet over to low fat, high fiber may do a lot in terms of promoting hair renewal and growth. You’ll want to concentrate more on foods which contain biotin as biotin plays an important role in maintaining healthy hair as well.

If you are in need of more information regarding hair loss and how to regrow your hair naturally, one book that you may find very useful is “Hair Loss in Women” by Darleen Luther.